Linguistic Analysis of Dictionaries of Legal Terms (1900-2006)
law, linguistics, terminology, dictionary, commonly used wordsAbstract
Legal terms occupy an important place in the vocabulary of the modern Azerbaijani language. Legal terms, which have had a significant impact on the development and improvement of the terminological vocabulary of our language, are of great interest from the point of view of sources and methods of origin, scale of development, as well as lexical and semantic characteristics. Despite the fact that legal terms are very old, their study dates back to the latest periods of linguistics.
The study of legal terms from a linguistic point of view plays an essential role. This work, which is of great practical importance, plays a large role in the compilation of general and special industry dictionaries, as well as in the automatic acquisition and computerization of information.
The article provides the Russian-Azerbaijani equivalent of the terms of the acquired right to citizenship in the activities of justice and prosecutorial authorities related to various branches of law. The most qualitative aspect of the dictionary, in contrast to the “Russian-Azerbaijani Concise Legal Dictionary” published in 1960, is an indication of the origin and meaning of the terms borrowed here.
The dictionary published in the Azerbaijan Encyclopedia in 1991 in the field of law during the years of independence is the “Encyclopedic Legal Dictionary”, which includes more than 1000 articles (words, terms). The dictionary provides specific information about the regulation by law of multidisciplinary legal relations in various spheres of life. Most articles provide a detailed analysis of legal concepts. For example, clear information is provided on how and where to file a claim, the procedure for filing an appeal against a court decision, and information about liability for a criminal act.
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