Building Bridges on the Path to Global Citizenship Through Geography Education
Geography Education, Global Challenges, Global Citizenship, Sustainable WorldAbstract
Geography education has been identified as a key component of global citizenship education, as it provides students with the tools to understand and analyze the interconnectedness of the world and the complexities of global issues. The main focus of this research study was the role of geography education in global citizenship education. Specifically, the study aimed to examine the link between the skills necessary for individuals to be effective global citizens and the skills that are taught through geography education. Based on the literature review and inferences presented in the study, the results of the study suggested that there is a strong connection between geography education and global citizenship development. And, the study highlighted the importance of incorporating geography education into the curriculum to cultivate informed and engaged global citizens who are better equipped to address global challenges and contribute to a more sustainable and equitable future. So, it is recommended that educators and policymakers prioritize geography education in curriculum development and implementations.
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