Panik Bozuklukta Bilişsel Davranışçı Terapi: Bir Olgu Sunumu
panic attacks, cognitive behavioral therapy, panic disorder, negative automatic thoughtsAbstract
In this case report, a cognitive behavioral therapy process was applied with a 50-year-old client diagnosed with panic disorder according to DSM-5 diagnostic criteria. The client stated that she had been experiencing panic attacks in certain periods for a while and that she was afraid that they might happen again. She stated that she had been using self-suppression and calming methods for a while, but they still continued. The client wanted to get professional help due to the ongoing distress in her personal life. Subsequently, the client was given information about the disease she was thought to have at a level she could understand. In addition to this, psychoeducation was provided to help the client gain the ability to cope with the symptoms and problems she experienced within the scope of the disease. The negative automatic thoughts that she had for panic disorder and her behaviors and thoughts on the issues that she withdrew because she was afraid that it would happen again were emphasized and homework was given to regulate them. Unfortunately, since the sessions were not very long, no change was noticed. However, the main goal is to achieve change in the future.
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