Sosyal Fobi Bozukluğunda Bilişsel Davranışçı Terapi: Bir Olgu Sunumu
Social Phobia, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral TechniquesAbstract
In this case report, a 23-year-old female client with social phobia symptoms according to DSM-5 diagnostic criteria was treated with cognitive behavioural therapy. The client stated that she had been exhibiting social phobic behaviours for many years and that her life was going in a negative direction due to systematic avoidance behaviours. Although she applied many methods that she thought were logical and functional, she emphasised that she exhibited these avoidance and isolation behaviours and that these behaviours affected her life in a bad way. The client, who realised that these methods did not contribute to the healing process, started the therapy voluntarily without anyone's guidance, with the desire to achieve success on her own, because she felt very lonely and there was no one who understood and listened to her, but she was not completely sure that some of her thoughts and behaviours were exaggerated reactions, for which the client was first given comprehensive information about the disease and psychoeducation was provided. In this way, interventions and therapy approaches to social phobia disorder with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy will contribute to the literature.
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