Description of the Cognitive Language in the Works of Oralkhan Bokeev
composition, writer, cognition, literature, languageAbstract
If you take a work from any country, it reflects the literature and culture of that country. Through this work, you will get acquainted with the way of life of the people of this country, expand and get acquainted with the culture. Currently, works of art are read only by specialists in this field. Analyzing the linguistic features of O. Bokeeyev's works, the ways of identifying the writer's linguistic personality in literary translation, analyzing the transfer of the writer's linguistic personality, language, and writer's style are considered. Also the writer Fr. In the process of teaching the language of Bokeev's works, an analysis of the language of the writer's works is carried out in order to develop cognitive competencies among schoolchildren. The research work is based on methods that make it possible to identify educational, educational value and instill in a student at school such qualities as simplicity, humanity and honesty through teaching a work.
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