New Media Activity Analysis in Medicine and Hospital Preference




Patient preference, hospital, drug, social media, hospital administration, new media, marketing


The aim of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of new media in patients' choice of health products and health services. For this purpose, the effectiveness of the new media in the preference of hospitals and physicians within the scope of health services, and in the preference of pharmaceutical companies and pharmaceutical / non-pharmaceutical products within the scope of health products is examined.

The study was carried out using the descriptive research technique, one of the quantitative research methods, and a fully structured interview form was used. The sample of the study is the participants who have received service from the health institution included in the study for health services in the last six months and who use the new media channels of the health group; for health products, the participants are between the ages of 18-64 who have used drugs in the last six months and who use the new media channels of the pharmaceutical company included in the study.

The participants used the internet/social media actively in choosing a physician and hospital before receiving health care and they mainly used the internet/social media in the selection of the hospital (2,94), they actively used the internet/social media in the selection of the product and pharmaceutical company before purchasing the health product, and they mainly used the " product selection” (2,49). In the selection/preference of health services and products, web pages, news sites and Instagram were found to be the most effective in both areas.

It is thought that new media platforms with a more conscious and participatory patient profile that manages their own health information will be used more in branding, reputation, digital reputation and marketing studies in health institutions and pharmaceutical companies. For this reason, pharmaceutical companies and health institutions managers need to continue their efforts to enable them to use these platforms more effectively in their marketing management efforts.


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How to Cite

Düzcü, T. (2023). New Media Activity Analysis in Medicine and Hospital Preference. EUROASIA JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES & HUMANITIES, 10(32), 26–38.


