System of Systems: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Impact on Business Activities
Technological Change and Growth, Labor and Employment, Size and Structure, Manufacturing Businesses, Accounting and FinanceAbstract
Manufacturing enterprises, which are the locomotive of the economy, are very important in the development of countries. 99.7% of the businesses in Turkey, one of the developing countries, are small and medium-sized enterprises.
These enterprises within the scope of SMEs have a significant place when considering their contribution to employment in the country, the costs of employed personnel, their contribution to the economy, their total turnover and total production value. For this reason, in our study, a company operating in machinery manufacturing in Ankara was included within the scope of SMEs.
The company's contribution to employment and changes in the business structure as a result of top management decisions taken regarding technological changes were examined.
In the decisions taken by the management, financial analyzes were made in the light of the accounting data obtained through enterprise resource planning (ERP) and offers and suggestions were made in the light of the data obtained.
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