Focus Group Interviews as a Qualitative Data Collection Technique
Qualitative Research, Focus Group InterviewsAbstract
Today, developments in almost every field of life, especially in the field of technology, have led to changes in the needs of scientific research as well. The inadequacy and limitedness of quantitative research, especially in detecting problems encountered in daily life, has led many researchers to use qualitative research methods. Qualitative research has been preferred by many researchers because it creates new awareness in many areas and allows obtaining in depth results. The fact that it offers different fields to researchers also has led researchers to use qualitative research. One of the techniques frequently used in qualitative research, which offers researchers a wide range of data collection methods and techniques, is "Focus Group Interviews". The aim of this study is to explain what Focus Group Interviews method is, to discuss its historical process, to reveal its strengths and weaknesses, and to express recent changes and developments.
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