The Relationship Between Suicide Risk and Coping Strategies Among Patients with Depression
Suicide, Depression, Coping StrategiesAbstract
The aim of study is to determine the relationship between suicide risk and coping strategies with stress in depressed patients.
This descriptive study includes 102 patients. Data were collected by “Beck Suicidal Ideation Scale-BSIS” and “Stress Coping Strategies Scale-SCSS.” Descriptive statistics and T-test and ANOVA were applied in the comparison of the scale point averages for the independent groups. Kruskal-Wallis and Mann Whitney U tests were used in the analysis of nonparametric measurements. The relationships among the measures were tested via Pearson Correlation.
Significant differences were determined among the BSIS, age, educational background, marital status, family type, suicide history, number of suicides, suicide type and suicide history in the family. Significant differences were discovered between the presence of previous suicide attempts and leaving a note prior to the suicide and the desperate approach as measured on the SCSS subscales, between the optimistic approach and the presence of previous attempts, between the social support and age, and among the marital status, family type and the presence of previous attempts. A significant negative relationship was determined between the BSIS total point and the SCSS optimistic approach.
It is concluded that depressed patients have quite high risks and use much more passive strategies for emotions in order to cope with stress. Improving coping skills and providing effective emotion regulation by reducing stress level will help preventing suicide and lessening the intensity of depression.
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