Qualified Book, Qualified Time Project Through the Eyes of the Children
children books, family involvement, book bag project, children’s perspectiveAbstract
Qualified Book, Qualified Time Project was conducted to introduce children with qualified books and to spend qualified time with their families through books. 125 children in the age group of five or six who attend pre-school education institutions in Aydın province were included in the project. At the beginning of the project, the researchers identified 25 illustrated children's books suitable for children aged five or six. For each book, a booklet including questions that families can ask to their children and activities that family members and children can do together was prepared. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with a total of 30 children, six of whom were from each class. Activity books, three-dimensional materials, photographs of activity applications and pictures made by the children were examined through document analysis. When the interviews with the child were examined, the children stated that their mothers mostly read the books to them and that they did activities mostly with their mothers. In general, children expressed that they liked the books and activities in the project. The books that children liked the best were “Dogs Don't Do Ballet”, “Rhinos Don't Eat Pancakes”, and “Elmer”, the activities that children liked the best “Elmer” and “Unnamed Stone’s Tale. When the children were asked to drew the picture of the book that they liked the best in the project, they drew the picture of “Dogs Don't Do Ballet”. When activity books and photographs were examined, it was seen that families asked questions about the stories to the children; they recorded children’s responses and completed most of the activities. When gathered data analyzed, it is thought that the aims of introducing children with qualified books and spending quality time with their families through books were achieved to a great extent. Through the books and activities in the project, children have experienced and discovered different ways of expressing themselves while having a quality time full of communication, art, play and movement with their families.
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