Human Figurines in Archaic Period of Cyprus Visual and Cultural Analysis
Cyprus, figurine, archaicAbstract
The island of Cyprus has attracted the attention of archaeologists, historians, artists and many researchers from different disciplines due to its cultural diversity. The aim of the research is to obtain information about the lifestyle and belief styles of the archaic society in Cyprus by examining the human figurines belonging to the Cyprus archaic period in the Cesnola Collection of the New York Metropolitan Museum. Archaic period figurines of the Metropolitan Museum Cesnola Collection, which constitute the sample of the research, were used from the archaeological data of the Metropolitan Museum, which is the most important data source, and visual analysis was carried out under two separate headings, the human figurines of the Cyprus Archaic 1st and Cyprus Archaic 2nd periods. The method of the research is the qualitative research method and the research is a descriptive study. The figurines included in the sample were examined categorically as a result of visual analysis. In this context, human figurines belonging to the Cyprus Archaic 1st (750 - 600 BC) and Cyprus Archaic 2nd (600 - 475 BC) periods, which are exhibited in the Cesnola Collection in the Metropolitan Museum, have been examined and categorized by visual analysis method. The visual analysis of the figurines is based on archaeological data. In the categorical analysis made by considering the themes, the figurines were divided into seven (7) different categories. Detected categories; worshiping human figurines, instrument playing figurines, warrior figurines, god and goddess figurines, fertility figurines, daily life figurines and figurines that cannot be included in any category. In the research, conclusions were reached regarding the production materials of the figurines. It has been concluded that the figurines reflect the multiculturalism of the island life and the unique culture of Cyprus has formed with the hybridization process. It has been determined that the commercial and political life in Cyprus has effects on Cypriot art. In this context, it has been concluded that there has been a transition from images with Near East and Egyptian influences to Greek images. It is thought that today's culture is the combination of the productions of the past cultures and the productions of the period we live in. Therefore, it has been concluded that strengthening the bond between past cultures and today's culture also increases the value of today's art.
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